Stick sling

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Medieval throwers

A stick thrower ( lat. Fustibalus ) or stick thrower is a throwing weapon .


The sling was a stick about four feet long with a sling at one end. This was held by hand with a leather strap and only released when the bullet was thrown, which gave the cane thrower a greater range and penetration than the Funda . With the stick sling stones or darts with a weight of about 400 grams could be thrown over 200 meters.


The stick sling, in Latin fustibalus , appeared during the Roman Empire . Soldiers who were equipped with a throwing stick were called fustibalator ( throwing stick thrower ). This weapon was used in Europe from late antiquity to the Middle Ages .

See also

Individual evidence

  2. Kelly DeVries, Robert Douglas Smith: Medieval military technology. University of Toronto Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4426-0497-1 , p. 3.
  3. Peter Connolly : The Roman Army. Tessloff-Verlag, ISBN 3-7886-0180-9 , p. 23.
  4. Renaud Beffeyte: Les machines de guerre au Moyen Age. Editions Ouest-France, p. 23.


  • Peter Connolly : The Roman Army. Tessloff-Verlag, ISBN 3-7886-0180-9 .
  • Renaud Beffeyte: Les machines de guerre au Moyen Age. Editions Ouest-France, p. 23. (French)