Stonewall Democrats
Stonewall Democrats is an American organization based in Washington, DC
The organization campaigns for the rights of homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals and is politically closely linked to the Democratic Party . The word Stonewall in the organization's name refers to the Stonewall uprising in 1969.
The organization was founded in 1998 by the Democratic MP Barney Frank , who represents the Massachusetts forth congressional district in the House of Representatives . With the founding of this organization, Barney managed to bring together various LGBT groups leaning towards the Democrats across the country in a common, national organization.
Stonewall Democrats describe themselves with the words "a grassroots force for social change within our movement and within our party". The organization currently has 90 subgroups in the United States. The organization is chaired by Jo Wyrick . Previous leaders were Eric Stern, Michael Perez, Paul Yandura, Michael Colby, and Chad S. Johnson.
The organization lobbies within the Democratic Party, launches LGBT campaigns, and supports Democratic Party politicians at local, state and state levels who are open-minded and positive about LGBT concerns.
Subgroups of the Stonewall Democrats (selection)
- Alabama Stonewall Democrats, Stonewall Democrats of Alaska
- Arizona Stonewall Democrats
- Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club and Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club of San Francisco
- Stonewall Democratic Club & Stonewall Young Democrats in Los Angeles
- San Diego Democratic Club of San Diego
- Gertrude Stein Democratic Club of DC
- Georgia Stonewall Democrats
- Stonewall Democrats Illinois
- Indiana Stonewall Democrats
- Bay State Stonewall Democrats in Massachusetts
- Stonewall DFL in Minnesota
- Kansas City Pride Democratic Club in Kansas City
- Gateway Stonewall Democrats in St. Louis
- New Hampshire Stonewall Democrats
- Gay and Lesbian Independent Democrats of New York City
- Liberty City Democratic Club in Philly
- Sacramento Stonewall Club of Greater Sacramento
- Steel City Stonewall Democrats in Pittsburgh
- Texas Stonewall Democratic Caucus
- Virginia Partisans Gay and Lesbian Democratic Club in Virginia
- Washington State Stonewall Democrats