Criminal Code (Liechtenstein)

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Basic data
Title: criminal code
Abbreviation: StGB
Scope: Liechtenstein
Legal matter: Criminal law
Issued on: June 24, 1987
Entry into force on: January 1, 1989
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The version of the Liechtenstein Criminal Code follows the model of the Austrian Criminal Code . Like this, it is divided into two parts, the general part, §§ 1–74, and the special part, §§ 75–321.

In terms of content, too, it literally follows the model in large parts. In contrast to Austria, however, termination of pregnancy is only permitted if it is necessary to avert serious danger to life or serious damage to the health of the pregnant woman that cannot be averted otherwise, or if the pregnant woman was under the age of 14 at the time of the pregnancy or, if the pregnant woman was rape (section 200), sexual coercion (section 201) or sexual abuse of a defenseless or mentally impaired person (section 204) and the pregnancy is based on such an act (sections 96-98a ).

The treason is - surprisingly for a monarchy - not an attack on the country's princes, but the Austrian Criminal Code following a separation of belonging to the Principality of area (area of high treason) or in an induced by force or threat of force constitutional amendment (Constitutional treason) (§ 242 Paragraph 1).

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