Strauss' Centennial Waltzes

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Centennial Waltzes , as Säcularfest waltz , or centennial waltz known, a waltz of Johann Strauss Jr. is credited. The work may have been performed for the first time in Philadelphia in the summer of 1876 .


This waltz is a mystery. On the one hand it is doubtful whether the Viennese Waltz King has anything to do with this work. It could be that a stranger composed the work and published it on behalf of Strauss. This is supported by the inferior musical quality of the work compared to other Strauss works. Another possibility would be that someone put together the waltz from Strauss motifs. Ultimately, there is also the also undetectable but rather unlikely possibility that the work was actually by Strauss. In this case, the theory is that the work was written on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the United States' Declaration of Independence in 1876. However, there is no reliable evidence of this either. In any case, the waltz was neither published nor performed in Vienna. The printed version of the work was published by WH Cundy in Boston with a dedication to the 100th anniversary of American independence. This dedication by Strauss, like the entire waltz, could also only have been ascribed to him (see above).

The playing time on the CD listed under individual records is 6 minutes and 22 seconds. Depending on the musical conception of the conductor, this time can change by up to a minute plus or minus.

Web links

Individual proof

  1. Source: English version of the booklet (page 132) in the 52 CD complete edition of the orchestral works by Johann Strauss (son), published by Naxos (label) . The work can be heard as the third track on the 51st CD.

See also