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StreamOn (see Stream ) is an additional service from Telekom , with which certain applications do not lead to a loss of data volume (see flat rate ). Various options are available for certain application packages. Depending on the cellular tariff , certain options can be purchased or are included in the price. They can be combined with one another in any way.

StreamOn can be used throughout the EU and Switzerland. The offer is only available in the Telekom network and can therefore not be used with a VPN or comparable services.

It should be noted that only the pure stream can be received without counting the included volume, but not advertising, album covers, etc. Any bandwidth restrictions also apply to the stream.

The StreamOn offer applies to all contracts from April 4, 2017.


SteamOn currently offers four options with which the service can be activated for certain applications.

StreamOn Music

The music option can be booked free of charge in the MagentaMobil S / S Young and FamilyCard S tariffs. Most partner applications currently offer this option .

StreamOn Music & Video

In addition to the pure music option, the volume loss-free video stream with maximum transmission quality from the M tariffs (MagentaMobil, Young and FamilyCard) can also be booked free of charge.

StreamOn Gaming

The gaming option offers the use of special mobile games without loss of volume and is free of charge for all S tariffs or higher.

StreamOn Social & Chat

This option offers various social networks and chat applications . It can only be booked free of charge for L and XL contracts.

Market situation

Similar options for bookable streaming options are also available from other competitors on the market. Is directly comparable, for example, the social passport of Vodafone .

Criticism and court judgment 2017

In the original form of the StreamOn offer, the data transmission rate for video streaming was throttled (from 1.7 Mb / s), too little for transmission in high resolution. In addition, the option for use within Germany was limited.

At the end of 2017, the Federal Network Agency decided that these restrictions were not compatible with the roaming rules and filed a lawsuit against Telekom. In an urgent procedure , the Federal Network Agency was found to be right and Telekom had to adjust its offer.

Individual evidence

  1. a b StreamOn description. In: Telekom Deutschland GmbH, accessed on May 3, 2020 .
  2. Combine StreamOn options. In: Telekom Deutschland GmbH, accessed on May 3, 2020 .
  3. Use StreamOn via VPN. In: Telekom Deutschland GmbH, accessed on May 3, 2020 .
  4. DER SPIEGEL: StreamOn: Court forces Telekom to make changes to additional offers - DER SPIEGEL - Netzwelt. Retrieved May 3, 2020 .