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Street newspaper
languages German
operator StreetCom eV
Registration Online in the KiezCom network
On-line January 10, 2011 (currently in print / online)

StreetJournal ( is a street newspaper with socio-cultural content that is produced in Berlin . It has been published since January 10, 2011 and is published monthly. It is the first street newspaper in the world to be published online in addition to its print edition.


The title of the magazine is deliberately based on the name of the New York City street newspaper Street News . The publishing association sees itself in this tradition and offers homeless people and all people in difficult - not only financial - life situations the opportunity to earn money in a self-determined way, instead of sinking into the gray area of ​​begging.

In clear contrast to the large number of other street newspapers, all authors work here without receiving or expecting direct or hidden donations - whether in monetary form, as expense allowances or as a donation receipt.

While street newspapers traditionally focus on depicting misery and suffering, according to the StreetJournal maxim, the issue, the content and the presentation should change. An actual reading interest in the street newspaper should be the focus.

In principle, the publishing association is not committed to any political direction. In terms of content and design, the editions are open to a wide range of journalistic and artistic topics and genres. Overall, the aim is to produce a well-researched, readable and also attractively illustrated magazine with a modern layout.

StreetJournal should enable the sellers to work independently. In addition to the source of income, previously isolated people in particular have the opportunity to enter into communication and in this way draw new courage to face life.

The publishing association

Saleswoman for the street newspaper StreetJournal in the editorial office

The street newspaper StreetJournal 'is published by the StreetCom eV association. This aims to develop a sustainable online network in order to be able to cover costs. Since the entire project - with a large number of advisory services - has so far been mainly based on donations, the advertising income that flows in here is intended to generate new additional income to secure the general foundation of the association. In addition to the street newspaper, the association offers the following other projects:

  • Take care - a weekly meeting for integrative self-help
  • KiezCom - the interactive community for readers of street newspapers, a comprehensive meeting place for clubs, initiatives, artists and all committed people
  • - the project for the street newspaper network. Here, for example, many of the texts we have written can be copied and used free of charge
  • Meeting point - a workshop that takes place several times a week on helping the homeless and on drug and addiction counseling
  • SIZ - a self-help and information center
  • Writing assistance - assistance in formulating official mail and arranging legal assistance.

StreetJournal online: the network is a further offer of the StreetCom eV association. Here the printed edition of the street newspaper is offered on the internet. All texts can be commented on and used by interested parties for their own publications free of charge. Current world events are accompanied in the news portal; a press review provides up-to-date information several times a day.

The online presence also offers access to other projects of the StreetCom association: Kiez-Community and with the comprehensive database and current ratings and comments form a joint, broad network as the association's online presentation.

Individual evidence

  1. The Big Issue in the North claims to be the first digital street newspaper in the world ( Memento of the original from March 31, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. - the first edition was published on October 29, 2012. The first online edition of StreetJournal was published in January 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /