Rigorous test

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A rigorous test is a special statistical test in test theory , a branch of mathematical statistics . Strict tests, like Maximin tests , gain their importance from the fact that, in contrast to consistently best tests, they already exist under weak conditions.


A (not necessarily parametric) statistical model and a disjoint decomposition of the index set into the null hypothesis and alternative are given .

Let be the set of all statistical tests on the level . Let be the quality function of the test and

the envelope power function ( English envelope power function ) of .

One is called a rigorous test to the level , if


The envelope power function provides for each parameter , the maximum selectivity of the tests in , if present. Thus the expression is

the deficit of the selectivity in relation to the maximum possible selectivity at the point . Hence is

the maximum deficit of the selectivity of the test .

A strict test is therefore a test in which the maximum deviation from the maximum possible selectivity (and thus the enveloping quality function) is smaller than in any other test at a given level.


The existence of strict tests can be shown under rather weak conditions. The central aid for this is the weak convergence and the weak - * - convergence in and .

The central statement is that if a σ-finite measure exists such that or is dominated by this measure , there is a strict test of the level .
