Strictly Berlin

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Strictly Berlin is a series of exhibitions on Berlin media art that was founded in 2006 by Heiko Daxl and Ingeborg Fülepp in collaboration with Noam Braslavsky at the Galerie der Künste (GdK) in Berlin.

These exhibitions bring together a multitude of parallel approaches to work that express themselves in different forms of expression. In Berlin it can be seen that the formulation of similar concerns permeates all areas of art such as music, the visual arts, film, theater and performance. Artists not only from Germany, but from many countries have, at least temporarily, a home in Berlin. Strictly Berlin's concern is to provide a forum for their work. This concept is as good or as bad as any other. It is not about curators' dreams of illustration, but rather the confidence that artists are united because of something greater than their differences.

Her goal is not the pseudo reproduction of reality, but the detachment of the depicted reality from the usual contexts of meaning and time and its creation of meaning in new combinations. Not a copy of reality, but concepts of reality where an interpretation turns out to be just one possibility among many. The possibility of retelling is seldom applicable to these forms of expression and, as a rule, one does not get any further by naming what has been recognized. The viewer has to think about himself and his own experiences, only then does the pleasure arise while looking at it, but there is no guarantee that the secret will be fully revealed. (Heiko Daxl)

Strictly Berlin takes place annually in Berlin .

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