Structural and regulatory policy advisory fund for reform design

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The Structural and Regulatory Policy Advisory Fund for Reform Design (SOB) is a German development cooperation project commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) , which is currently active in 5 countries.

The aim of the SOB is to integrate German knowledge and experience carriers and institutions from administration, science, the private sector and civil society in development cooperation in order to make their expertise available to partner countries of German development cooperation in the planning and implementation of reform projects. In addition, through the establishment of a German network of experts, actors and institutions in Germany are to be made aware of development policy goals.


In Germany, the SOB is working on setting up an expert network. It is made up of current and former political decision-makers and administrative employees and experts with practical experience. The establishment of new and the use of existing administrative partnerships at the level of the federal government, the German federal states and local governments is a central component of the SOB.

Building on this, the SOB supports the partner countries through various instruments. On request, experts from the SOB network are sent to partner countries for advisory missions, or political decision-makers are invited on delegation trips to suitable German institutions. Through a series of joint conferences, workshops and working sessions, the German knowledge carriers are brought together with their counterparts from the partner countries in order to discuss, plan and shape reform approaches. In addition, the SOB works on building long-term partnerships between institutions in Germany and in the partner countries that have existed for the duration of the SOB's project.

Partner countries and fields of activity

The SOB is currently supporting reforms in Bolivia, Pakistan, Palestine, Peru and Serbia. The project supports reforms in partner countries in the areas of decentralization, political participation, public finances and green economic policy.

Decentralization refers to the transfer of decision-making powers, responsibilities and resources from the national level to the sub-national level so that public services can be implemented in a way that is citizen-oriented, transparent, needs-based and efficient.

A strengthening of the political participation rights should enable citizens to express their interests in the time between the election dates and to participate in political decision-making processes.

A functioning system of public finances ensures that the necessary funds are available to finance public goods such as security, education and health and are used effectively to implement sustainable development goals.

Green economic policy has the regulatory objective of developing political instruments and strategies, competitive opportunities and employment opportunities in the sense of broad-based, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly production and consumption patterns.

Web links

Individual evidence
