Students form pupils

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Students form pupils e. V. (SBS) is a nonprofit association that free tuition for children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds through volunteer dedicated students organized. The association has existed since 2012 and is nationwide active in 20 cities with over 750 volunteer students. In addition to tuition, the association organizes cultural and leisure activities for schoolchildren and students and helps finance teaching and learning materials.

Logo of students form Schüler e. V.

Vision, mission and implementation

  • Vision: fairness in education for everyone.
  • Mission: To offer voluntary tutoring for every child in need .
  • Implementation: In individual lessons, volunteer students from all disciplines encourage children and young people to learn independently and sustainably . In addition to tuition, the association organizes cultural and leisure activities for tuition couples, such as visits to museums and cinemas or sports events.

Values ​​and direction

Students form Schüler eV

  • is based on an inclusive, tolerant and respectful interaction with one another,
  • is politically and religiously independent,
  • supports the democratic ideals of the Federal Republic of Germany .


Members of the association at the 2019 general meeting in Heidelberg

The association consists of three main levels:

  • Federal executive for the coordination of the locations
  • Location management to organize the tutoring couples
  • Tutoring pairs made up of committed students and pupils

The federal executive committee works on the following topics:

  • Nationwide representation of the association
  • Organization of new business locations
  • Acquisition of donations for financial support of the tutors with teaching and learning material as well as common leisure activities
  • Operation and further development of nationwide and cross-location topics such as IT, insurance, finance

Annual general meetings take place at which the federal board is elected. Federal Chairman is Karl Jakob Winkler, Deputy Federal Chairman is Isabell Battke.

The site managers work on the following topics:

  • Organization and supervision of the tutoring
  • Addressing and admitting committed students
  • Cooperation with social partners ( Diakonie , Caritas , special schools, children's homes, etc.)
  • Organization and implementation of cultural and sporting leisure activities

The tutoring has the following procedure

  • One-to-one lessons
  • 1–2 hours per week
  • The focus is on independent and sustainable learning ("learning to learn")


  • Founding year: 2012
  • Founding members: Marina Miller, Sebastian Förste, Florian Schmelz and Martin Burdenski
  • Place of foundation: Frankfurt am Main

Current numbers

  • active in 20 university cities in Germany
  • More than 2,500 tutoring pairs arranged to date
  • over 750 volunteer students

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. About us. Retrieved September 28, 2019 .
  2. Home. Retrieved September 28, 2019 .
  3. Federal Board. Retrieved January 14, 2020 .
  4. Association structure. Retrieved September 28, 2019 .
  5. ^ History. Retrieved September 28, 2019 .
  6. Home. Retrieved January 14, 2020 .