All Polish Youth Student Union

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The All-Polish Youth Student Union (Polish: Związek Akademicki Młodzież Wszechpolska ) was founded in 1919 as an ideological and educational student organization with a strong nationalistic orientation. In the 1930s she attracted attention through nationalist and anti-Semitic actions and, after the death of Józef Piłsudski, increasingly approached the government camp politically. At universities, she partially achieved the exclusion of Jewish students and used fascist symbols with Italian characteristics. In her party program she declared that her goal was to educate young people in the Catholic and nationalist spirit. The adjective "Wszechpolska" (= All-Polish) expresses the goal of uniting all Polish areas in one entity, thus emphasizing the national thinking and the equality status of all citizens of Polish nationality - regardless of their social origin and the amount of their property.

Organization history

It was founded in 1919 as a student organization of the national democratic camp around Roman Dmowski under the name National Association of Academic Youth (Narodowe Zjednoczenie Młodzieży Akademickiej). In March 1922 the founding meeting of and the renaming to All-Polish Youth took place, at which Roman Dmowski was appointed president. In the period between the two world wars, the members of the All-Polish Youth actively participated in academic life and were at the forefront of many student organizations , including Bratnia Pomoc (Auxiliary Brotherhood), Koła Naukowe (study groups), Korporacje Akademickie (academic bodies) and Samorząd AkademickiNaczelny Komitet Akademicki (academic self-government → the leading academic committee). They defended themselves against the efforts of the then government to centralize the universities and stood up for their autonomy , furthermore they fought for lower tuition fees. They also campaigned for an economic boycott and for the more difficult admission of Jews through a so-called numerus nullus to study. It became the largest academic organization in the Second Polish Republic . The members of the All-Polish Youth pushed through the introduction of the so-called “Getta ławkowe” (bank ghettos) (specially marked rows of seats for Jews in the lecture halls), whereby they completely distanced themselves from the politics of the National Socialists during the war and even occasionally within the framework offered help to Jews in their capacity .

During the Second World War , members of the All-Polish Youth fought in the Polish Home Army and in the National Armed Forces .

After the war, in 1946/1947, it was smashed and banned in Poland under the communist regime. The most famous members of the All-Polish Youth before the war include: Wiesław Chrzanowski , Jan Mosdorf , Jan Matłachowski , Tadeusz Łabędzki .


Since 1926 the anthem of the youth of the "Wielkopolska Camp" (Obóz Wielkiej Polski, Polish nationalist organization) has remained unchanged. It is sung to the melody of "Warszawianka" (from 1831).

Polish German translation
Złoty słońca blask dokoła, The golden sun all around,
Orzeł Biały wzlata wzwyż, The white eagle soars
Dumne wznieśmy w górę czoła, Let us lift our brow proudly
patrząc w Polski Znak i Krzyż, Looking at Poland's sign and cross
Polsce niesiem odrodzenie, We bring rebirth to Poland
Depcząc podłość, fałsz i brud, Trampling the wickedness, falsehood and filth,
W nas mocarne wiosny tchnienie, In us the mighty breath of spring
W nas jest przyszłość , The future is in us
Z nami invited, With us the people
Naprzód idziem w skier powodzi, We go straight ahead towards the tide,
Niechaj wroga przemoc drży, May the superior force of the enemy tremble,
Już zwycięstwa dzień nadchodzi, The day of victory is already approaching
Wielkiej Polski moc to my! We are the strength of great Poland!
Wielkiej Polski moc to my! We are the strength of great Poland!
Naprzód idziem zbrojni duchem, I go forward with an armed spirit
Antychrysta pędzić precz. To drive out the antichrist.
Matko Boża nas wysłuchaj, The Mother of God will answer us
Błogosław Chrobrego Miecz! Bless the brave sword!
Błogosław Chrobrego Miecz! Bless the brave sword!


  • Jan Rembieliński (1922-1923)
  • Jan Jodzewicz (1923–1925)
  • Edward Muszalski (1925)
  • Janusz Rabski (1925-1928)
  • Jan Mosdorf (1928–1933)
  • Jerzy Kurcjusz (1933–1934)
  • Jan Ostoja Matłachowski (1934–1939)
  • Tadeusz Łabędzki (1944–1945)