Summative evaluation

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In contrast to formative evaluation, summative evaluation is applied to fully developed programs after their implementation. The aim is the final evaluation or review of the degree of fulfillment, not influencing the program to be evaluated (e.g. a curriculum , research or development program) with the aim of improving the results through constant feedback in the course of the process.

It is therefore a form of result evaluation that only makes a comparison between the postulated and the achieved target state. Therefore the concept of summative evaluation has a certain similarity to the idea of ​​final inspection in quality assurance. The results can only be used retrospectively for the targeted adaptation of the program or process. Stockmann describes the summative evaluation as follows: "summarizing, accounting and results-oriented." The mathematician and philosopher Michael Scriven , who made the distinction between formative and summative evaluation (1967), puts it this way: “If the cook tastes it, that's formative. If the guest costs, that's summative. ”Formative evaluation aims to reduce risks as early as the program development phase.

Methodologically, a summative evaluation is usually much simpler and more reliable than a formative evaluation, which often has to fall back on a complex mix of methods.

Summative evaluation in education

In this sense, every school examination is a summative evaluation. It only assesses whether the learning objectives of a curriculum have been achieved, but does not examine how learned or why it was not learned (e.g. because of inadequate didactics or teaching aids).

Individual evidence

  1. M. Scriven, Evaluation thesaurus , 4th ed., Newbury Park: Sage Publications 1991, ISBN 0-8039-4364-4


  • Scriven, Michael: The methodology of evaluation , in: Stake, RE, Curriculum evaluation , Chicago: Rand McNally. American Educational Research Association (AERA) monograph series on evaluation, no.1.
  • Stockmann, Reinhard: Sociological Evaluation Research , Bank I, p. 19, Waxmann Verlag, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-8309-1734-1 .

See also