Supply Chain Management: An International Journal

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Supply Chain Management: An International Journal

description Scientific journal on the subject of supply chain management .
Area of ​​Expertise Supply chain management
language English
Frequency of publication 6 times a year
Editor-in-chief Beverly Wagner
Web link

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal ( SCM: IJ ) is a six-yearly scientific journal on the subject of supply chain management .


The magazine ranking VHB-JOURQUAL 2.1 (2011) classifies the magazine in category C , which corresponds to rank 431 out of 838. The Thomson Reuters Impact Factor (2013) is 2,916, which corresponds to 19th place out of 172 in the “Management” category.

Individual evidence

  1. Alphabetical overview JQ 2.1. In: VHB-JOURQUAL 2.1. Association of University Lecturers for Business Administration V., March 29, 2011, accessed November 7, 2014 .
  2. Thomson Reuters (2013) Journal Citation Reports.