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Sutkagen-Dor is the modern name of an archaeological site on Pakistan's Makran coast, which dates back to around 2000 BC. Is dated. Not far north of Dschiwani, it is one of the westernmost cities of the Indus culture .

The place is on Dascht Kaur , approx. 45 km from the sea. It can be assumed that the city was once located directly on the sea, which has silted up here in the meantime. The place had a citadel fortified with towers. To the north and east of it was the actual residential town.

Sutkagen-Dor was discovered by Sir Aurel Stein , who carried out test excavations here in 1927. Further research took place about 30 years later under GF Dales. Overall, however, the city can still be described as unexcavated.


  • Sir Mortimer Wheeler: The Indus Civilization. 3rd edition, London 1972, pp. 59-61

Coordinates: 25 ° 29 ′ 54 ″  N , 61 ° 57 ′ 1 ″  E