Swan Lake: Moving Image & Music Awards

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Swan Lake logo: Moving Image & Music Awards 2011
Swan Lake Logo: Moving Image & Music Awards 2008

The Swan Lake: Moving Image & Music Awards , SL: MIMA for short, are a global short film award that connects aspiring musicians and young filmmakers and is organized exclusively by students. The film award has been held annually at Mittweida University since 2004 .

Swan Lake Awards 2011

The next SL: MIMA will take place from January 10th to 12th, 2011 . The event's patron is Oscar winner Jan Andrzej Paweł Kaczmarek . Workshops and lectures are offered over three days. The culmination of the event is the award ceremony followed by an after-show party.


Under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert J. Wierzbicki, head of the Ambient Media department at the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, the SL: MIMA originally came about as an educational program in the small town of Mittweida in Saxony . Since then, German, Finnish, Polish and Scottish students in the fields of media technology, media management and multimedia technology have been implementing the project. The aim of the SL: MIMA is to establish a well-known industry award and to create a network of talented artists and to give them a platform.


The SL: MIMA are financed exclusively through sponsorship money.


All films are based on the piano music from the musicians' portal, newagepiano.net. On this platform, pianists make their works available in order to receive suitable short films in return from young filmmakers. The best films in animation, digital film and interactive film will be awarded at the award ceremony at the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences. This is how the SL: MIMA creates a network of talented artists, with great emphasis on discovering and promoting young multimedia talent.


  • Animation film
  • Digital film
  • Interactive film



category space Name, nationality Movie title
Animation film 1 Jonathan Mortimer (UK) 43 - Fourty Three
Animation film 2 Javier Villegas (US) Narrative line
Animation film 3 Greta Stančiauskaité (LT / FI) Blue
Digital film 1 Christoph Schaarschmidt (GER) Running Against Time
Digital film 2 Christian Abel (GER) Ash
Digital film 3 Timmi Davis (GER) Bilbo the clown
Interactive film 1 Nora Dobosi (HU) What's your decision?
Interactive film 2 Kristin Damm, Christoph Andrä (GER) Blastars
Audience award - Atilla Balogh (HU) My soul covers your inside


category space Name, nationality Movie title
Animation film 1 Alexander Kühn (GER) C'est la vie
Animation film 2 Marcus Körbs (GER) Trooper
Animation film 3 Irena Paskali (MK) Sequence 1
Digital film 1 Markus Mayr (GER) Emergence
Digital film 2 Christoph Schaarschmidt (GER) Small life
Digital film 3 Imola Kovendi (RO) Ever after
Audience award - Tasner Peter (HU) Dualism


category space Name, nationality Movie title
Animation film 1 Marcus Loeper (GER) The world is unfair
Animation film 2 Vesa Jokinen, Hanne Zenjuga (FI) It Dwells In The Depths
Animation film 3 Jonathan Mortimer (UK) The legendary Adventures of the Secret Blue Elves
Digital film 1 Kamil Goerlich (GER) Orbit Control
Digital film 2 Emese-Imola Kövendi (RO) Song of life
Digital film 3 Sarah Müller, Orhan Sokolyi (GER) Love never ends
Audience award - Maik Viertel (GER) You by my side


category space Name, nationality Movie title
Animation film 1 Christian Hein (GER) The Value of Love
Animation film 2 Juho Kepanen (FI) Vahveraasio
Animation film 3 Tobias Kolodziey (GER) Of Home
Digital film 1 Thomas Kelling (GER) Fly away
Digital film 2 Kamil Goerlich (GER) Natchnienie
Digital film 3 Raman Hussain (FI) Friendships


category space Surname Movie title
Animation film 1 Christian Hein The Leaf
Digital film 1 Risto-Pekka Blom Storm


category space Name, nationality Movie title
Animation film 1 Robert Walker (UK) -
Digital film 1 Christian Abicht (GER) -


category space Name, nationality Movie title
Animation film 1 Henry Schmieder (GER) Circus


Every year high-ranking jurors from different countries are invited to evaluate the films submitted. For example, Kurt Bestor, Chris Hales, David Byers-Brown and Bahman Dara have been guests. The evaluation criteria are in the following areas: originality, creativity and innovation, technical quality, aesthetic quality, storytelling and artistic vision as well as the overall impression.

Evaluation criteria

  • originality
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Technical quality
  • Aesthetic quality
  • Storytelling and artistic vision
  • Overall impression

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