Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir

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Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir (born January 17, 1941 in Rennes ) is a French writer and philosophy professor . She is the adopted daughter of Simone de Beauvoir . The meeting of the two women was described in the book All Things Considered, which Simone de Beauvoir dedicated to her.


Sylvie LeBon was a young philosophy student in the 1960s and was so enthusiastic about Beauvoir's books that she wanted to meet them. Despite the age difference, Le Bon and Beauvoir became friends, traveled together and formed a common idea of ​​philosophy and feminism.

When Jean-Paul Sartre died in 1980, Sylvie Le Bon was looking after the sick Simone de Beauvoir. In order not to be dependent on her sister, Hélène de Beauvoir , Simone decided to adopt Sylvie and at the same time gave her the moral rights to her literary work.

After Simone de Beauvoir's death in 1986, Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir published parts of her correspondence:

  • Letters to Sartre - an anthology of letters between Simone de Beauvoir and Sartre
  • Letters to Nelson Algren
  • Correspondance croisée (Simone de Beauvoir and Jacques-Laurent Bost )
  • Anne, ou quand prime le spirituel (publication of Simone's first novel)

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