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Transparent Inter-process Communication ( TIPC for short ) is a network protocol for inter-process communication (IPC) that was specially designed for communication within computer clusters . This protocol was originally developed by Jon Paul Maloy at Ericsson and has been used by the company for carrier-grade applications for years. It was later released as open source .

Some features of TIPC are:

  • Location transparency of services in a network
  • Mechanism for the automatic discovery of network nodes
  • reliable transport
  • uses the usual socket interface
  • connectionless and connection-oriented data traffic
  • Applications can use subscriptions to subscribe to information about network events
  • dual BSD / GPL licensed source code

Currently (2007) two groups are active in the further development of TIPC: The TIPC Working Group , which is part of the Multi-Core Association , has the task of overseeing the evolution of the TIPC protocol specification. The TIPC project team deals with the development of a freely available, portable implementation of the TIPC protocol.

The TIPC protocol is the Linux - kernel support starting with version 2.6.16. It can be created as an additional kernel module for earlier versions . There is also an implementation for the VxWorks operating system from Wind River Systems .

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