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The acronym TROL (or TR-OL ) refers to the binding technical rule in Germany for the planning, dimensioning and construction of hot air stoves, tiled stoves and cleaning stoves, central hot air gravity heating, fireplaces over two floors, surface heating, hypocausts , ground stoves, open chimneys, heating chimneys, stoves and ovens . All fireplaces built by hand in Germany must comply with this technical rule.

In the area of basic furnace construction , the rule gives the stove fitter great freedom in designing, but since BImSch level 2, which came into force on January 1, 2015, only fireplaces with a test seal may be installed.

The TROL emerged in 2006 from the technical rules of the stove and air heating construction trade (OL) from 1996, which in turn ultimately emerged from the imperial principles of stove construction and is published by the Central Association of Sanitary, Heating, Air Conditioning (ZVSHK) in St. Augustin.

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