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The total revenue per available room ( English: total revenue per available room , hence the abbreviation TRevPar or TRevPAR) is an important key figure for comparing the profitability of hotels . It is calculated as total net sales divided by the number of available rooms.


The TRevPar is one of several KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) . These key parameters support revenue management and hotel managers in their decision-making. They also provide information on how the hotel's strategies used so far have worked. The TRevPar can be calculated from different time periods, i.e. H. it is possible to calculate it from the proceeds of a day, a week, a month or a year. In contrast to RevPar, TRevPar contains total sales, which are made up of accommodation (income from rental), catering and ancillary services.


In one year, a hotel with 80 rooms and 29,200 available rooms (number of possible overnight stays) generated a turnover of 912,500 euros. In addition, 456,250 euros and 346,750 euros with other services were earned in the catering sector. This results in a TRevPAR of (912,500 + 456,250 + 346,750) euros / 29,200, i.e. 58.75 euros.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Elmar Pfeiffer: Hotel Management Glossary: ​​Total Revenue per Available Room (TrevPAR). In: Archived from the original on November 24, 2016 ; accessed on November 23, 2016 .
  2. ^ Aurelio G. Mauri: Hotel Revenue Management: Principles and Practices . Pearson Italia Spa, 2013, ISBN 978-88-7192-974-3 , Total RevPar (TrevPAR), NrefPAR and RevPAC, pp. 35 (English, full text in the Google book search).