TV Tome

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TV Tome ( was an extensive, English language website with a database of television series and their contributors. The database contained complete episode guides for over 2,500 series, for 3,500 other series these were being set up, as well as filmographies for more than 250,000 actors and other crew members.

The site described itself as follows: TV Tome is an attempt to create the greatest TV episode and actor guide ever. ( English , TV Tome is an attempt to create the greatest / best TV episodes and actor of all time. )

2003 / 2004 an offshoot of the portal was named Movie Tome , which is similar to the IMDb with movies busy.

On April 22, 2005 , TV Tome announced the takeover of the site by the CNET network. After a preliminary version was launched on June 1st, the URL was permanently redirected to the new, CNET-owned domain from June 13th, 2005 . The change of website operator caused some criticism from regular users of TV Tome. In addition to the much more commercial orientation of the new site, a lot of information was also lost during the transition: the information on the crew on only contains the names of the director and author; the trivia , cultural references, and DVD releases sections of each series have been shortened or lost entirely.


Since the takeover of CNET, there has been repeated criticism of the new website and alternatives have been launched. Some of these are EPisodeWorld, The TV IV, TV Friends, The Media Database, and TVRage .

Web links