Tafi Atome Monkey Conservation Reserve

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Coordinates: 6 ° 54 '18 "  N , 0 ° 23' 12.6"  E

Map: Ghana
Tafi Atome Monkey Conservation Reserve

The Tafi Atome Monkey Conservation Reserve is an animal reserve and one of the national parks in Ghana in the Volta Region .


Monkey cats in the village
Monkey cat at the edge of the forest

The reserve is located in eastern Ghana in the vicinity of the village of Tafi-Atome, about 230 kilometers northeast of the capital Accra and 35 kilometers north-northwest of the district capital Ho .


The reserve is based on a decree of the regional authority and takes into account the religious worship of certain species of monkeys. The only Ghanaian population of the nominate form ( Cercopithecus mona mona ) of the monkey cat lives here . The meerkats can be seen as part of an ecotourism project on the edge of the village and on guided tours through the tropical forest .

Tafi Atome has received several awards from the Ghanaian tourism authority, for example as the “best-kept community-based Ecotourism Project” and the cleanest village in Ghana.

See also


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