Tai Jutsu

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Tai Jutsu or Taijitsu (体 術; Japanese : "body art") is a generic term for all Japanese movement arts , so in addition to martial arts also arts such. B. Dancing .

The Tai Jutsu is the umbrella term for the Japanese unarmed combat systems (formerly also known as "Yawara"), i. that is, it refers exclusively to combat without weapons. The term was first used in the late Middle Ages at the beginning of the 16th century by Kenmotsu, Nagao (samurai of the Itto Ryu school).

Tai Jutsu is often used in connection with the Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu as a term. In Aikidō , Tai jutsu stands for the techniques without weapons, in contrast to techniques with sword (Aiki-ken) or stick (Aiki-jo) and to techniques for defense against knife, sword or stick (Tanto-dori, Ken-dori, Jo -dori).

Several martial arts schools still operate under the original name of Tai Jutsu in Japan. For example, the school of the renowned grand master Yoshimoto, Takeru.

See also