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In the Māori culture, material and ideal cultural treasures are called Taonga . Material cultural assets include historical objects, land and fishing grounds. The ideal values ​​include language, religious beliefs, radio frequencies and water rights.

Taonga have constitutional significance in New Zealand as the second article of the Waitangi Treaty gives the signatory Māori an assurance that they will retain ownership and use of their taonga under British rule. Section 6 (e) of the Resource Management Act 1991 requires decision-makers to recognize and treat the relationship of the Māori and their culture and tradition along with their ancestral land, water, localities, wahi tapu and other Taonga as a matter of national importance.

What a taonga is has been the subject of heated debates, such as whether the Māori names used in the Lego toy series Bionicle are the intellectual property of the Māori or the question of genetic engineering.

The Māori names of many museums in New Zealand include the term Whare taonga - literally "treasure house". The Ministry of Culture , which is also responsible for cultural heritage, is called Māori Te Manatū Taonga .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Report of the Waitangi Tribunal on Claims Concerning the Allocation of Radio Frequencies. knowledge-basket.co.nz, archived from the original on July 15, 2001 ; accessed on January 21, 2016 (English, original website no longer available).
  2. ^ The Resource Management Act at www.legislation.govt.nz
  3. Lego game irks Māori , BBC News. May 31, 2005. Retrieved August 14, 2006. 
  4. Kim Griggs: Lego Site Irks Māori Sympathizer , Wired News. November 21, 2002. Retrieved August 14, 2006. 
  5. Simon Upton: A new outbreak of Calvinism. In: upton-on-line. December 11, 2002, accessed January 21, 2016 .
  6. David Williams: Matautanga Māori and Taonga: The Nature and Extent of Treaty Rights Held by Iwi and Hapu in Indigenous Flora and Fauna, Cultural Heritage Objects, Valued Traditional Knowledge . In: Waitangi Tribunal Publication . Waitangi Tribunal, Wellington 2001, ISBN 0-908810-53-9 (English, online [accessed September 16, 2014]).