Technical task force

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Technical task forces (TEK) are special units of the Bavarian police , which support the special task forces and the mobile task forces . You have technical expertise for complex situations.

History and tasks

The TEK was founded in the years after the SEK was founded in 1973. There is currently one unit at the police inspection special units in Nuremberg and one in Munich.

The technical task forces have technical expertise for complex and dangerous situations. They support the SEKs and MEKs and are similarly trained. You lead z. B. localizations, acoustic and optical reconnaissance through.

Breakdown in other federal states

In other federal states, these special units are called the Technical Task Force (TEG) and are partly affiliated with the LKA. B. in NRW.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bavarian Police - Special units of the Bavarian Police to fight serious violent crime. Retrieved June 25, 2020 .
  2. Bavarian Police - Special units of the Bavarian Police to fight serious violent crime. Retrieved June 25, 2020 .
  3. Bavarian Police - Special units of the Bavarian Police to fight serious violent crime. Retrieved June 25, 2020 .
  4. TEG - Technical Task Force. In: Retrieved on June 25, 2020 (German).
  5. Mobile Task Force (MEK), Technical Task Force (TEG). Retrieved June 25, 2020 .