Phone fundraising

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The telephone fundraising is an instrument of fundraising . With the help of the telephone , a trusting relationship is established and expanded between a non-profit organization (NPO) and its donors , members or other stakeholders .


In the case of telephone calls, a distinction is made between incoming calls (technical term: inbound calls ) and outgoing calls (technical term: outbound calls ).

Inbound calls

Inbound calls are calls from donors or members that are received by the NPO or a service provider commissioned by it . Reasons for such "incoming" calls are for example:

  • Someone would like to make a donation quickly and easily on the phone by direct debit or credit card .
  • A donor or member would like to quickly and easily inform the NPO of his new address on the phone after moving.
  • A donor or member wants to file a complaint over the phone .

Outbound calls

In the case of outbound calls , the NPO or a service provider commissioned by them calls their donors or members. Reasons for such "outgoing" calls are for example:

  • An NPO would like to thank you for a donation received.
  • An NPO would like to discuss changes with their donors (e.g. changing a direct debit from DM to euros).
  • An NPO wants to win back a donor who has become inactive.
  • An NPO would like to ask a donor to increase their support.

Both inbound calls and outbound calls can therefore be carried out by an NPO itself or by a contracted service provider. Regardless of whether an NPO carries out its telephone fundraising itself or has it carried out by a service provider, in both cases the highest quality requirements must be set due to the trusting relationship with the donor. The Quality Circle Telephone Fundraising eV defines such quality standards for telephone fundraising in German-speaking countries and advocates compliance with them.


Examples of measures in the context of telephone fundraising:

  • Thanks for a donation received,
  • Request for free or earmarked donations from donors or members
  • Increase ("upgrading") of membership fees (contemporary adjustment of the fees)
  • Increasing ("upgrading") from (first) donors to permanent donors or members
  • Increasing ("upgrading") regular donations by a certain amount
  • Reactivation of inactive donors and members
  • Update of donor and member data (e.g. notification of a new address or bank details)
  • Congratulations on birthdays and anniversaries
  • Hotlines or service numbers for donors and members
  • Acquisition of sponsors
  • Survey of donors and members
  • Invitations to events
  • Greetings from new members
  • Market research and analysis
  • Large donor care

See also

further reading

  • Mal Warwick, Deborah Block: 999 Tips, Trends and Guidelines for Successful Direct Mail and Telephone Fundraising , Aspen Publishers, New York 1993, ISBN 978-0962489129 .
  • Stephen F. Schatz: Effective Telephone Fundraising , John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken 2010, ISBN 978-0470560594 .
  • Oliver Steiner: Telephone fundraising , Springer Gabler Verlag, Heidelberg 2013, ISBN 978-3834940988 .