Telstar 14

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Telstar 14
Start date January 11, 2004, 04:13 UTC
Launcher Zenit 3SL
Launch site Sea launch
COSPAR-ID : 2004-001A
Takeoff mass 4700 kg
Manufacturer Space Systems Loral
lifespan 15 years
operator Telesat Canada
Playback information
Transponder 30 Ku band
First position 63 ° W
Actual position -
List of geostationary satellites

Telstar 14 (Estrela do Sul 1) is a former communications satellite of the Canadian satellite operator Telesat . The satellite was launched on January 11, 2004 by the space company Sea Launch from a floating platform in the Pacific . In May 2011 it was replaced by the more powerful successor satellite Telstar 14R .

Telestar 13 had 30 Ku-band transponders and served North and South America and parts of Europe.

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