Tenés empanadas Graciela

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Tenés empanadas, Graciela

Tenés Empanadas Graciela ( TEG for short) is a turn-based computer strategy game for Unix systems; there is also a Java client. The open source game is based on the board game Risk , but the rules differ in many places.

The name is based on the name of a popular Spanish risk game called TEG (Plan T áctico y E stratégico de la G uerra).

Already in 1996 began Argentinian Ricardo Quesada with the work on the game, but interrupted this several times and only since the beginning of 2000 working with greater effort in it. A few developers , graphic artists and translators came along and made great progress.

Several players can play against each other and talk to one another via a Unix server. Different cards are also possible and new ones can be added at any time. The game is available in multiple languages ​​including Spanish, English and German.

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