Ternary mixture

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Gibbs' triangle diagram to show the composition of ternary compounds, here consisting of components A, B and C.

A ternary mixture is a mixture of three substances .

A so-called Gibbs triangle diagram is used to graphically represent the composition of such a mixture . The use of the equilateral triangle to represent mixtures of three substances was first made by Josiah Willard Gibbs , who used the three heights of the triangle as coordinates.

Ternary mixtures play a large role in extraction processes .

Common is z. B. in petrology the representation of the composition of the earth's mantle in the system orthopyroxene , clinopyroxene and olivine .

Ternary diagram Au-Bi-Te according to Ciobanu et al. (2007) with measured values ​​from Lundin, 2015. The dominant bismuth and the large gap between maldonite and gold are clearly visible.

As an example, an excerpt from the ternary system Au-Bi-Te can be seen. Such a ternary phase diagram can be imagined as three binary phase diagrams glued together at the end links, so here the diagrams of the systems Au-Bi, Bi-Te and Te-Au are connected in such a way that the corners of the end links Au-Au, Bi -Bi and Te-Te result. In order to display this 3D diagram correctly in 2D, it is viewed from above so that an equilateral triangle results. Usually the isolines and solidus are shown in different colors, here gray (isotherms) and red (solidus). The red arrows indicate the "topography" of the solidus.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Dorothea Lüdecke and Christa Lüdecke: Physico-chemical basics of thermal process engineering, phase equilibria of multi-component systems . Springer, Berlin 2000, ISBN 978-3-540-66805-3 , pp. 581ff.
  2. ^ Günter Hofmann: Crystallization in industrial practice . Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2004, ISBN 978-3527309955 , p. 44.
  3. ^ Jonas Börje Lundin: Investigation of bismuth-bound gold mineralization near Vetlanda, southern Sweden . 2015, doi : 10.13140 / RG.2.1.4330.2483 ( researchgate.net [PDF; 9.6 MB ; accessed on September 14, 2017]).