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TetriNET is a multiplayer online Tetris game for up to six players, which was developed by St0rmCat in 1997 and enables team play. The last official version is 1.13. St0rmCat later also developed TetriNET 2, which enables improved graphics , other types of special modules, additional options and a main server.

gTetrinet, client for Linux

Game flow

The TetriNET gameplay is like Tetris , with the addition of special building blocks. After clearing a few rows, special building blocks can appear on the player's field. If a row with a special building block is eliminated, this is taken over into the player's inventory and the player can use this on himself or another player. The special building blocks have a number of different effects, in TetriNET 1 there are nine different ones. If the special components are deactivated, it is called a “pure” game.

Many variants have been developed since the original version of TetriNET, including the 7tetris mode (“get 7 Tetris as fast as you can”), the survival mode or the fast mode (“clear as many rows as possible in a limited time”).

TetriFast 1.13

TetriFast is a modified version of TetriNET in which the 1-second gap between the blocks has been removed. The protocol used has also been changed to prevent its use on normal TetriNET servers.

TetriFast 1.14

TetriFast 1.14 is a variant of TetriFAST that allows players to play with the same sequence of blocks.

Special building blocks

One of the special features of TetriNET in addition to the multiplayer online ability is the possibility to add "special building blocks" to a game, which can be used to disrupt opposing fields or to help out on the fields of team players. A player gets these special building blocks by first clearing at least two rows, which causes a random special building block to appear on the playing field. If the player clears a row that contains such a special building block, the special building block moves to that player's inventory. From there he can use it by pressing the number (1–6) of the playing field on which it is to be used. The following special stones are available:

  1. a = Add Line - Adds a not completely filled line to the lower end of the target field.
  2. b = Clear Special Blocks - converts all special stones in the target field into normal stones.
  3. r = Random Blocks Clear - Removes random blocks from the target field, which often creates gaps in lines.
  4. o = Block Bomb - Causes the block bombs to explode in the target field, causing surrounding stones to be randomly distributed on the field.
  5. q = Block Quake - Causes stones to move for each row of the target field, creating an earthquake-like effect.
  6. c = Clear Line - Deletes the bottom line on the target field.
  7. g = Block Gravity - Causes all stones to fall down into any gaps that may exist. Lines that are completely filled as a result are removed.
  8. s = Switch Fields - your own playing field is swapped with the target field.
  9. n = Nuke Field - Removes all stones from the target field.

The special stones 1–5 are negative and are normally used against the opponent, the special stones 6–9 are positive and are usually used on your own field.

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