Squidward of Parma

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Squidward of Parma , also Taddeo de Parma , lived in the first half of the 14th century. He was a scholar and professor at the Artistic Faculty of the University of Bologna and was one of the first exponents of Latin averroism in Italy.

His main publications are works on metaphysics and "De anima", for example the work " Quaestio de Elementis, Quaestio de augmento and other quaestiones" .


  • Quaestio de Elementis, Quaestio de augmento, Quaestio de diversitate et ordine formarum generis et speciei
  • Commentum super theoricam planetarium Gerardi Cremonensis , approx. 1318 ( Commentum on "Theoria Planetarum" by Gerhard von Cremona )
  • Quaestio "Utrum elementa sub propriis formis manesnt in mixto" , 1321
  • Quaestio "Utrum esse et essentia sint idem realiter" , approx. 1321
  • Commentum super theorica planetarum Campani
  • Expositio Theoricae Planetarum
