Thakur (title)

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The honorary or official designation Thakur , mostly used in northern India, comes from Sanskrit ( thakkura ) and means something like 'administrator' or 'master' (cf. zamindar ).


In the course of time the term developed into an often hereditary honorary title or a form of address that referred to the mayor, a large landowner or the local tax collector - functions that were often combined in one person.


A 'Thakur' is clearly below a Raja or Maharaja in the ranking of Indian nobles , although in some cases he had an equal economic fortune and enjoyed a high social and political reputation in the local or regional environment.

family name

The surname 'Thakur' is common in India and Pakistan; The most important bearer of the name was the Bengali poet and winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize for Literature - Rabindranath Thakur , whose anglicized form of the name Tagore is better known.

See also