Theater ensemble Würzburg

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The theater ensemble Würzburg is a free theater in Würzburg with a total of three venues. It is funded by the city of Würzburg and has developed over the years of its existence as a platform for newcomers and career changers in Würzburg's independent theater scene.

The theater ensemble Würzburg was opened on January 31, 1992 by Norbert Bertheau on the site of the former "Würzburger Bürgerbräu" brewery . From 1997 to 2017, the theater played in the inner courtyard of the Würzburg town hall, the so-called EFEUHOF ”.

Web links


  1. Schedule - theater ensemble Würzburg - on the Bürgerbräu site in Würzburg ,
  2. ^ Website of the theater ensemble Würzburg, information , accessed on July 11, 2018