Theological anthropology

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The theological anthropology and Christian anthropology as part of the field of systematic theology interprets the people from a Christian theological perspective. She is particularly concerned with the essence of man and the determination of man before God .

Theological anthropology assumes that the books of the Bible reflect a tradition of reflecting on God and man and therefore tries to derive generally valid statements and conclusions from these.

One area is the interpretation of the Old Testament terms such as: bazaar, nefesch , leb and ruach ; Body , soul and spirit as well as person .

In addition, it aims to provide biblical and historical theological interpretations of man, his creation and image of God , to clarify the question of holiness and justice , of original sin , the "universal sinfulness" or original sin and the individual sins of man and finally of the redesign or seek the justification of man through God or Jesus Christ and his grace as well as the redeemed and liberated human existence.

See also


  • Axel W. Bauer : body image and body understanding. The view of sick and healthy people in the history of medicine - illustrated using selected examples. In: Evangelische Akademie Iserlohn (Ed.), Conference Protocol 82-1977: 'Cold Embryos' and 'Warm Corpses'. Body understanding and corporeality. Christian anthropology and medicine. Conference of the Evangelical Academy Iserlohn from August 29 to 31, 1997. Iserlohn 1998, pp. 21–38.
  • David Kelsey: Eccentric Existence, a theological anthropology . Louisville 2009.
  • Georg Langemeyer : Theological Anthropology . In: W. Beinert (ed.): Faith accesses. Textbook of Catholic dogma I . Paderborn u. a., 1995, 499-622.
  • Daniel Munteanu: What is man? Basics and social relevance of an ecumenical anthropology based on the theologies of K. Rahner, W. Pannenberg and J. Zizioulas. Neukirchen-Vluyn 2010, ISBN 3-7887-2430-7 .
  • Gerhard Ludwig Müller : The human being as addressee of God (theological anthropology). In: Catholic dogmatics. For study and practice of theology. 6th edition, Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2005 (first edition 1995), ISBN 978-3-451-28652-0 .
  • Reiner Andreas Neuschäfer: You surround me on all sides. Anthropology . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2009.
  • Wolfhart Pannenberg : What is a person? Contemporary anthropology in the light of theology . Goettingen 1995.
  • Thomas Pröpper : Theological Anthropology . 2 volumes. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2011. ISBN 978-3-451-32267-9 and ISBN 978-3-451-34123-6
  • Leo Scheffczyk : Basic questions of Christian anthropology . In: Man as God's image. Christian anthropology. Lectures of the "International Theological Summer Academy 2001" of the Linzer Priesterkreis in Aigen / M., Ed. by F. Bred. Buttenwiesen 2001, pp. 9-28.
  • Wolfgang Schoberth: Introduction to theological anthropology. WBG, Darmstadt 2006.
  • Bertram Stubenrauch : Concise Dictionary of Theological Anthropology. Herder Publishing House, Freiburg, Br. 2013.
  • Hans Walter Wolff : Anthropology of the Old Testament. Munich 1973.

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