Thomas Groß (lawyer)

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Thomas Groß (* 1964 ) is a German law scholar and professor at the University of Osnabrück .


Groß studied law at the universities of Tübingen , Geneva and Heidelberg . In 1989 he passed his first state examination in law in Heidelberg. In 1992, during his legal clerkship from Heidelberg University, he was awarded a Dr. iur. PhD; In 1993 he passed his second state examination. Subsequently, he worked as a research assistant at the Heidelberg Institute for German and European Administrative Law. In 1998, after completing his habilitation, Groß received a public law Venia legendi.

From 1999 to 2010 he was a professor at the University of Gießen on the full chair for public law, comparative law and administrative science. There he was a member of the Senate from 2003 to 2008 and one of the co-founders of the first Refugee Law Clinic in 2008 . In the summer semester of 2010 he moved to the University of Frankfurt am Main , but already in the winter semester of 2011/12 he accepted a chair for public law, European law and comparative law at the University of Osnabrück , which he has held since then.


Groß 'main areas of research are European administrative law, comparative law in public law, migration law, environmental law and science law.

  • The autonomy of science in European comparative law . Nomos, Baden-Baden 1992, ISBN 978-3-7890-2765-9 (dissertation).
  • The collegial principle in the administrative organization . Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 1999, ISBN 978-3-16-147219-0 (habilitation thesis).
  • with Natalie Arnold: Regulatory structures for non-university research: Organization and financing of research institutions in Germany . Nomos, Baden-Baden 2007, ISBN 978-3-8329-2645-8 .
  • The legitimation of the polycentric EU administration . Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2015, ISBN 978-3-16-154204-6 .

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