Tiger (hash function)
Tiger is a cryptological hash function that was developed by Ross Anderson and Eli Biham in 1996 . The hash value generated by Tiger has a length of 128, 160 or 192 bits. The Tiger algorithm is not patented . Tiger2 is identical to Tiger except for the filling pattern at the end of the user data.
Tiger hashes
The 192-bit (24-byte) long Tiger hashes are usually noted as 48-digit hexadecimal numbers. The following example shows a 59 byte long ASCII input and the associated tiger hashes:
Tiger("Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern") = 4df42db66c8d84269d4b7157b92a87be717aa1a5834a3050
Tiger2("Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern") = ac228a08cc97a449d85729e6549dbe4cd746df0061522b2c
A small change in the message typically creates a completely different hash. With Frank instead of Franz the result is:
Tiger("Frank jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern") = 9cee0eb7b596ba0f435d42c33ddf8eff7fabb86922aa4bc6
Tiger2("Frank jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern") = 5959793d7837abf2cc44dc57b3712c6da5d89cc1df92cd5a
The hash of a zero-length string is:
Tiger("") = 3293ac630c13f0245f92bbb1766e16167a4e58492dde73f3
Tiger2("") = 4441be75f6018773c206c22745374b924aa8313fef919f41
Web links
- The Tiger Homepage (English)