Ross Anderson (computer scientist)

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Ross Anderson

Ross John Anderson (born September 15, 1956 ) is a British researcher, author and security technology consultant. He is a professor at the Computer Laboratory at the University of Cambridge , where he is active in the computer security research group.

Together with Eli Biham , he designed the Tiger hash algorithm . He developed the block cipher Serpent together with Eli Biham and Lars Knudsen . Anderson also designed the Pike stream cipher .

He discovered weaknesses in many cryptographic algorithms and security systems.


Anderson graduated from the High School of Glasgow . At Trinity College (Cambridge) he studied mathematics and natural sciences from 1974. According to his own statements, he worked as a development engineer for Ferranti in the avionics industry in his first year of study . After receiving his Bachelor's degree in 1978, he first traveled the world and later worked as a freelance consultant before returning to Cambridge University in 1992 for a doctoral thesis under the supervision of Roger Needham . In 1995 Anderson received his PhD and a position as a lecturer .

Prizes and awards

In 2009 both the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society elected him a Fellow. In 2015, Anderson was awarded the Lovelace Medal .


Web links

Individual evidence
