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Tigraios was a king who probably died shortly before 129 BC. Ruled in Elymais . He is only known from his coins, which bear the Greek legend of King Tigraios (basileos Tigraiou) . They show the image of the ruler on the obverse, looking to the right, and on the reverse a young god, on other embossments Artemis , a thunder, the head of a boar, an eagle, a herm or a palm tree. The exact chronology of the ruler is uncertain, but he will have ruled Elymais in the years after the withdrawal of the Seleucids and before the Parthian rule was fully established . It may also have been a usurper . Since the majority of his coins come from a single coin hoard in Susa , his domain is not certain, as the coins could also have come to Elymais through trade. Stylistically, the coins belong with some certainty to the second century BC.


  • Pieter A. van't Haaf: Catalog of Elymaean Coinage. Approx. 147 BC - AD 228. Classical Numismatic Group, Lancaster PA et al. 2007, ISBN 978-0-9709268-8-3 , pp. 59-60.