Tintin abuli

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Tintinnabuli ( Latin tintinnabulum , bell, bell ' ) is a compositional style by the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt , which he first used in his piece For Alina (1976) and later in Spiegel im Spiegel (1978). This simple style is shaped by the composer's mystical experience with church singing. Musically, Pärt's Tintinnabuli music is determined by two voices: the first (also known as the “Tintinnabuli voice”) comprises a triad that is broken into arpeggios , the second moves in diatonic steps. The works are often slow and meditative in tempo and minimalistic in notation and performance practice. Pärt's way of composing has expanded somewhat since 1970, but by and large the effect remains the same.

Pärt about his tintinnabuli style

  • “Tintinnabulation is a place I sometimes go when I'm looking for answers - in my life, my music, my work. In my dark hours, I believe that everything out there has no meaning. The complex and multifaceted only confuse me and I look for unity. What is it, this one, and how do I find my way to it? The traces of the perfect appear in many ways - and everything that is unimportant just falls away. This is how tinting is ... The three notes of a triad are like bells. That is the reason why I am talking about Tintinnabulation. "
  • “I could compare my music with white light that contains all colors. Only a prism can separate these colors from one another and make them visible; this prism could be the mind of the listener ”- from the essay White Light by Hermann Conen.
  • “Tintinnabuli is the mathematically exact connection of one line with another… Tintinnabuli is the rule in which the melody and the accompanying voice… are one. One and one equals one - not two. That is the secret of this technique. ”From a conversation between Arvo Pärt and Anthony Pitts, printed in the booklet accompanying the Naxos Records release by Passio .


  • Paul Hillier: Arvo Pärt (Oxford Studies of Composers). Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997, ISBN 0-19-816616-8 .
  • Jeffers Engelhardt: Review: 'Solfeggio per coro'; 'Cantate Domino canticum novum'; 'Missa syllabica'; 'Sarah Was Ninety Years Old'; and Others. In: Notes 57/4, 2001, pp. 987-993.

Web links

  • A Windows application with which Tintinnabuli voices can be generated in real time: Arv-o-mat 1.10

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paul Hillier: Oxford Studies of Composers: Arvo Part . Oxford University Press, 1997, ISBN 0-19-816550-1 , pp. 99-100.
  2. Ink abulation . arvopart.org. Retrieved May 31, 2008.
  3. ^ Hermann Conen: Weisses Licht  - Internet Archive , ECM Records, 1999.
  4. Text from the booklet from Naxos Records for Arvo Pärt's Passio (English).