Tlingit war helmet

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Tlingit war helmet
Casco y collera de lobo tlingit (M. América, Madrid) 01.jpg
Weapon type: Protective weapon
Designations: Tlingit helmet, Shadaa
Use: helmet
Region of origin /
Alaska , Tlingit ethnic group
Distribution: Alaska
Lists on the subject

The Tlingit war helmet is a protective weapon from Alaska.


The Tlingit war helmet is usually made of hardwood . There are different versions that have the shape of a human face or of totem animals such as ravens and killer whales . The helmet has a kind of wooden ruff that rests on the wearer's shoulders (see web links). Leather straps are attached inside the neck ring to connect the choker to the helmet. A leather or vegetable fiber loop is attached to the front, which serves as a bite loop during the fight. With this bite loop, the helmet can be additionally secured or the teeth can be protected if hit. The helmets are decorated in various ways with paint, hair or plant fibers. In addition to the war helmets, there are also helmets that are used for cultural purposes. The cultural helmets are usually made similar to normal European hats. The versions are very diverse.


  • Nora Dauenhauer, Richard Dauenhauer, Lydia Black (eds.): Anóoshi lingít aaní ká. = The Battles of Sitka, 1802 and 1804 (= Classics of Tlingit oral Literature. Vol. 4). University of Washington Press, Seattle WA et al. 2008, ISBN 978-0-295-98601-2 , p. 392.
  • Elizabeth von Aderkas: American Indians of the Pacific Northwest (= Men-at-arms 418). Illustrated by Christa Hook Osprey Publishing, Oxford 2005, ISBN 1-8417-6741-7 .
  • David E. Jones: Native North American armor, shields, and fortifications. University of Texas Press, Austin TX 2004, ISBN 978-0-292-70170-0 , p. 111.
  • George Thornton Emmons: The Tlingit Indians. (= Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 70). Edited with Additions by Frederica de Laguna and a Biography by Jean Low. University of Washington Press, Seattle WA et al. 1991, ISBN 0-295-97008-1 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the Alaskan Native Collections of the Smithsonian Institute, available online, (accessed June 30, 2011)

Web links

Commons : Tlingit helmets  - collection of images, videos and audio files