Toda (thanksgiving meal)

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Toda (Hebrew תֹּודָה) is the Old Testament sacrifice of thanksgiving within a worship service that is celebrated as thanks for salvation from distress. In addition to the holy meal (meal offering), the central element is the “cup of salvation deeds”. Elements of the liturgy can be found in some psalms , especially in Psalm 116:

verse A song for the offering of thanks according to the standard translation
10 I was full of confidence even when I said: / I am so bowed down.
11 In my dismay I said: / People all lie.
12 How can I repay the Lord for all that he has done me good?
13 I will lift up the cup of salvation / and call on the name of the Lord.
14th I want to keep my vows to the Lord / openly before all his people.
15th Precious in the eyes of the Lord / the dying of his pious.
16 Oh Lord, I am your servant, / I am your servant, the son of your maid. / You have loosened my bonds.
17th I want to bring you a sacrifice of thanks / and call on the name of the Lord.
18th I want to keep my vows to the Lord / openly before all his people,
19th in the courts of the house of the Lord, / in your midst, Jerusalem. / Hallelujah!


  • Hartmut Gese : Toda . In: Lexicon for Theology and Church (LThK). 3. Edition. Volume 10, Herder, Freiburg 2001, Sp. 81, ISBN 3-451-22010-5 .
  • Bernd Janowski : Gratitude. A basic anthropological concept as reflected in the Toda Psalms . In: Erich Zenger (ed.): Ritual and poetry. Forms and places of religious poetry in the ancient Orient, in Judaism and in Christianity . Herder, Freiburg 2003, ISBN 3-451-27928-2 , pp. 91-136.