Peat lake

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Peat lake
Peat cuttings April 2012a.JPG
the bigger lake
Geographical location Canton of Glarus
Places on the shore no
Coordinates 718 902  /  225 140 coordinates: 47 ° 10 '0 "  N , 9 ° 0' 25"  O ; CH1903:  718902  /  225140
Torfstichsee (Canton of Glarus)
Peat lake

The Torfstichsee , also called Niderrietweiher , is a small lake in the municipality of Glarus Nord in the Swiss canton of Glarus . It is located in the Lint plain between Bilten and Reichenburg .

During the Second World War , peat was cut there to reveal the groundwater. A reed belt was formed around almost the entire lake. When Bilten was still a small village, children liked to romp around there. The Torfstichsee and two smaller lakes created during the First World War are surrounded by an agricultural zone.

Fishing is permitted in the reed-free areas on the east bank.

Web links

Commons : Torfstichsee  - Collection of images, videos and audio files