Public concern

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Public affairs agencies , TÖB for short , are administrators of public areas, in particular authorities . According to the law, they must be heard and involved in certain (construction) projects . These are the authorities and other TÖB who are to be involved in the binding urban land-use planning (= development plan ) by the municipalities in accordance with Section 4 of the Building Code , provided that the tasks of the TÖB are affected by the planning of the municipalities. All public affairs agencies have to submit their opinions within one month and limit themselves to their area of ​​responsibility.

Depending on the scope of the planning, the public interests include:

  • Supreme federal and state authorities, Bundeswehr
  • General lower state authorities (districts)
  • Companies: Energy suppliers, waterworks, waste disposal companies, operators of telecommunications networks, post offices, railways
  • Fire brigade and rescue services etc.

According to the Federal Administrative Court in 1997, environmental associations are not formally responsible for public affairs, but “outside lawyers for nature”. However, they are treated like this by the planning authorities.


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Individual evidence

  1. BVerwG judgment of 14 May 1997, Az. 11 A 43.96, BVerwGE 104, 367.