Training measure for the unemployed (Germany)

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Training measures for the unemployed are among the services of active employment promotion within the framework of labor market policy . They serve to improve the integration chances of unemployed people in the labor market. Training measures until December 31, 2008 were regulated in Sections 48 to 52 of Book III of the Social Code (SGB III) old version

These Sections 48 to 52 SGB ​​III have been repealed by the law on the realignment of labor market policy instruments of December 21, 2008. Since January 1, 2009, training measures have been included in the measures for activation and professional integration . Since April 1, 2012, they have been summarized in Section 45 (1) of SGB ​​III .

Individual evidence

  1. published in BGBl. 2008 Part I No. 64, p. 2917.