Federal transport organization

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The Federal Transport Organization (TOB) is a voluntary nationwide association of approx. 600 freight forwarders with approx. 12,000 trucks or articulated trucks and 68 mobile cranes . This association is coordinated by the Federal Office for Goods Transport and is available for transport tasks in an emergency. The federal transport organization is divided into 150 transport service centers (TLZ) nationwide and has a transport volume of around 190,000 tons.

The federal transport organization is legally legitimized by the Road Safety Act (VSG) and may only be used in emergencies :

If the transport of essential goods for the population is no longer guaranteed, the transport service is used by TOB companies. The TOB companies are prepared for this by

  • your communication environment is not switched off in an emergency
  • the workforce in the respective company is controlled
  • Vehicles and important personnel may not be planned by the Bundeswehr (indispensable positions)

Participating companies and their staff involved in participating in the TOB should be informed about general conditions and details of the activity via leaflets.

The participating vehicles (possibly grouped into columns) should be uniformly marked.

The federal states have set up a facility with comparable tasks with the transport organizations of the federal states (TOL). Its purpose is to ensure the transport of essential goods to supply the population and the armed forces at the regional level.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. BMVBW-S36-0004-A001. Retrieved October 3, 2017 .
  2. BMVBW-S36-0004-A002. Retrieved October 3, 2017 .
  3. Identification of TOB vehicles. (PDF) In: General administrative regulations on § 17 of the Road Safety Act (VSG) on the securing of goods transport by road (VSGGüVwV). Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development, June 29, 1998, accessed on October 3, 2017 .