Traveler Information Services Association

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The Traveler Information Services Association ( TISA ) is an international association of end device, automobile, card manufacturers and service providers, public institutions and traffic information broadcasters. The non-commercial association was founded in December 2007 with its headquarters in Brussels. The aim was to bring together the previously separate activities of the TMC forum , TPEG forum and the German Mobile.Info project under a common umbrella organization.

The association deals with the official administration, establishment and further development of the standards for traffic information systems TMC (ISO 14819) and TPEG . TISA certifies the location tables (LT) submitted by the federal states for TMC after testing based on clearly defined test rules. TISA publishes the TPEG specifications and guidelines.

He works with other organizations for projects and standardization. E.g. ISO , RDS Forum , WorldDMB (formerly WorldDAB Forum), EasyWay Project (DATEX II).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ TISA Mission - on the official website (accessed August 18, 2014).
  2. EBU Technology & Innovation - TPEG (English, accessed on August 18, 2014).