Trusted Site Infrastructure

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Trusted Site Infrastructure ( TSI ) is a certification mark from TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH for a reliable IT infrastructure . The test mark includes an examination of the physical infrastructure of a data center (location, construction, security technology, energy supply and refrigeration technology) as well as the operator's organizational processes and documents the suitability for security areas for which high availability is required.

TSI certification has been available in two variants, TSI.STANDARD and TSI.EN50600, since October 2017.


The TSI.STANDARD has been the classic TSI certification since 2002. The basis for the examination and certification is a regularly updated catalog of criteria, which is based on many years of experience in testing data centers as well as on regulations and standards. A TSI certificate is valid for two years. After expiry, the validity can be extended for a further two years by re-certification.

Depending on the test result, there is a classification according to TSI level, which is also certified on the certificate:

  • Level 1 - medium protection requirement
  • Level 2 - extended protection requirements
  • Level 3 - high protection requirements
  • Level 4 - very high protection requirements

A further increase in availability can be achieved by using two data centers in a data network. A fundamental requirement here is that IT operations are fully mirrored so that if one of the two data centers fails, the intact data center can continue IT operations completely and without interruption. It is thus possible to achieve a higher classification in the network even with lower ratings of two data centers. This classification takes place after checking additional criteria according to TSI Dual Site-Level

  • Dual Site Level 2
  • Dual Site Level 3
  • Dual Site Level 4

A dual site level 1 does not exist, as at least one successful certification according to TSI level 1 is required for both data centers. In this case, Dual Site Level 2 could be achieved.


The variant TSI.EN50600 since October 2017 enables the well-known and proven system of the TSI criteria catalog to be used and at the same time to receive certification according to the DIN EN 50600 series of standards.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c / ... - Press release "TÜViT offers TSI version especially for the data center standard EN 50600" from November 14, 2017 (accessed on June 11, 2018).