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Truwor Cross

Truvor (Russian Трувор ) was a warägischer Prince of Izborsk (862-864).


Rurik, Sineus and Truwor, painting by Wiktor Wasnezow

In 862 different tribes called Scandinavian Varangians to rule over them. Rurik came with his brothers Sineus and Truwor. Truvor ruled Izborsk .

After two years Truwor and Sineus died. Rurik now ruled the Rus alone. Izborsk was no longer one of them.


The name Truwor was probably an Old Russian form of the Scandinavian name Þórvar (ð) r (Thorvard).

A derivation from the Swedish thru varing = loyal following is not possible. This formulation did not exist with this meaning in Old Norse texts. The Estonian scientist Mihkel Kampmaa suspected a Balto-Slavic origin of the name (from the Estonian Truuvaar - loyal partner).


  • Мельникова, Елена Александровна: Рюрик, Синеус и Трувор в древнерусской историографической ти , in: Тической традицической . М. Калинина (ed.): Древнейшие государства Восточной Европы , Moscow 2000, pp. 148f., 494, ISBN 5-02-018133-1

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  1. Tschuden ( Finno-Ugric ), Wes (Finno-Ugric), Kriwitschen (Baltic / Slavic), Slovenes (Slavic)
  2. ↑ Nestor Chronicle
  3. Nestorchronik, Niko Chronicle
  4. Izborsk was not mentioned in a list (Novgorod, Polotsk, Rostow, Murom)
  5. ^ EA Melnikowa, NT Beljajew
  6. Kampmaa M .: Majaussi kaswandikud. Tähelepanemise would be Eesti muinasjutt . In: Sakala . 20. - L. 3, June 9, 1890 (Estonian, ).