Tshangpa Karpo

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Tshangpa Karpo ( Tib . : tshangs pa dkar po ; skt .: Sitabrahma ; German: White Brahma ) is a protective deity of the teachings of the Buddha in Tibetan Buddhism . Tshangpa is the Tibetan word for Brahma , one of the main gods of Hinduism . Brahma is usually depicted with four faces and four arms. In the pantheon of Tibetan Buddhism there is now a god depicted in white with a face and two arms who is called Tshangpa Karpo : the 'white Tshangpa'. He is portrayed as the god of war , but appears less terrible and terrible on the thangkas than other Dharmapalas. According to the sadhanas , this god is to be identified with Brahma. He is one of the eight most important protectors of the Dharma .

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