Turan eV

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Turan eV is the name of a rocker-like group that probably originated in Germany in 2015. The grouping has its origin in the Netherlands. In Germany, their focus is in North Rhine-Westphalia , but the club or clubs are also active elsewhere. In 2016, the Federal Government did not have any information on the number of members. As a self-designation, the group declares: “The TURAN family is a community organization where all Turan peoples can unite, get to know and meet.” The battle cry of the group is “Hedef Turan”, in English “The goal is Turan”. Three intertwined crescents serve as a symbol of the movement; it is similar to that of the Turkish party MHP . The group is being watched by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution .


According to the Federal Government's findings, the Turan eV organization was founded in April 2015 in the vicinity of the Gray Wolves in Duisburg and is based on the so-called Ülkücü ideology. There seem to be further connections to the Ottomans Germania .

On July 10, 2015, the association organized a rally in front of the Chinese Consulate General in Düsseldorf to denounce the oppression of their "Turkish brotherly people", the Uyghurs, by China.

Turan eV registered a demonstration on March 26, 2016 in Duisburg. Around 400 people took part in this demonstration under the motto "We support the fight against terrorism by the Turkish security authorities".

At the beginning of 2018, the Kurdish football player Deniz Naki was threatened from the ranks of the club after he made public statements in support of the Kurds' right to self-determination in Turkey .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Right-wing extremist Turkish rocker groups Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution BfV-Newsletter No. 4/2016 - Topic 5
  2. As of May 2018, one Turan eV is registered in Duisburg (VR 5574) and one in Hagen (VR 2983). The 2016 reports on the protection of the constitution (NRW and the federal government) speak partly of "the Turan eV", partly of "Turan eV" and partly of "Turan associations".
  3. German Bundestag printed matter 18/8249, 18th electoral period, April 27, 2016, response of the Federal Government to the minor question from MPs Ulla Jelpke, Wolfgang Gehrke, Christine Buchholz, other MPs and the DIE LINKE parliamentary group. - Printed matter 18/8071 - . dip21.bundestag.de, PDF from April 27, 2016
  4. ↑ The protection of the constitution has its sights on Turkish rockers
  5. ^ Constitutional Protection Report of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia for 2016. September 2017, accessed on March 29, 2018 .
  6. Constitutional Protection Report 2016 . Federal Ministry of the Interior, June 2017, page 240; accessed on May 17, 2018.
  7. Turkish right-wing extremists organize themselves in motorcycle clubs. Golden empire with rocker robes. April 7, 2016, accessed March 27, 2018 .
  8. Conflict between Turks and Kurds reaches Duisburg. March 31, 2016, accessed March 27, 2018 .
  9. Attack on Naki. After attempted murder: Turkish nationalists threaten Deniz Naki. January 11, 2018, accessed March 27, 2018 .

See also
