Turmoil rock

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Turmoil rock
Waters English Strait
Archipelago South Shetland Islands
Geographical location 62 ° 21 ′  S , 59 ° 47 ′  W Coordinates: 62 ° 21 ′  S , 59 ° 47 ′  W
Turmoil Rock (South Shetland Islands)
Turmoil rock

The Turmoil Rock (from English turmoil , uproar, tumult, turbulence ' ) is a cliff rock washed over by the sea in the archipelago of the South Shetland Islands . It is 1.1 km southeast of Table Island on the west side of the English Strait .

The UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee named it that way in 1971 because the ocean waves break almost continuously on this rock .

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